Solar Quote. Instant.

Generate instant solar panel installation quote using our solar shop and get access to manufacturers warehouse prices.

How to use our website

Instructions to generate instant solar quote using our website's Solar Shop

Know Your Requirement, Generate Primary Quote, Wait For Property Inspection By Our Representative To Confirm The Quote.

Step 01: Determine the Number of Panels You Need

To find out how many solar panels you require, consider two factors:

  1. Measure the available space on your roof where you plan to install the panels. Keep in mind that each panel needs about 2 square meters of space.

  2. Check your per quarter energy bill. If it's around $300-$500, a recommended choice is a 6 kW system, which typically consists of 14 to 16 panels requiring 28 to 32 square meters of roof space.

Step 02: Calculate the Inverter Capacity 

Based on the number of panels you want to install, you can determine the inverter capacity as follows:

For example, if you are going for 12 panels:

  • For 415 watts panels: 12 * 415 watts = 4980 watts = 4.98 kW, suitable for a 4 kW to 6 kW inverter.

  • For 440 watts panels: 12 * 440 watts = 5280 watts = 5.28 kW, suitable for a 4 kW to 6 kW inverter.

  • For 475 watts panels: 12 * 475 watts = 5700 watts = 5.70 kW, suitable for a 5 kW to 8 kW inverter.

Step 03: Identify Your Roof Type and Meter Phase

Know your roof type (tiled, tinted, or flat) and the meter phase (single or 3 phase). Although these factors don't significantly affect the instant quote, they are essential for the final quote, which will be provided after a property inspection by our representative.

Step 04: Visit Our Solar Shop

Once you are done with above mentioned steps then head to our Solar Shop and then click on the panel brand and panel capacity you might like to go for. See the below picture for better understanding.

Step 05: Generate Primary Quote

Now chose number of panels, inverter and other attributes like roof type, meter phase, property type as per your property to generate instant (primary) quote, please note that this quote is after STC rebate and the price may vary after final property inspection by our representative.

After following these steps, you'll be well on your way to receiving an instant solar quote. Please note that a final quote will be provided after a property inspection by our representative.

Below Image Shows How To Use Our Website:

Below graphical image/giff file shows how to make use of our online     quote generation tool for your better understanding.

Watch Video On How To Generate Instant Solar Price Quite?

This video shows how you can use our online instant solar generation tool for your required solar system. Here you get the manufacturers warehouse price on all the product and our all the charges and fees are very competitive. Why not generate quote and compare with other. You can generate any number of quote that you want and we have a comparison tool you can compare each quote to take an informed decision.


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